
Working meeting on the draft negotiating position for Chapter 24

    The working meeting between representatives of state institutions and civil society organizations within the National Convention on the European Union on the draft negotiating position for Chapter 24 (Justice, Freedom and Security) was held at the National Assembly on March 11th 2016. Tanja Miščević, Chief Negotiator for Serbia’s accession negotiations with the EU and Aleksandar Nikolić, State Secretary of Ministry of Interior Affairs, chairman of the Negotiating Group on justice, freedom and security, as well as experts who lead specific thematic areas under this chapter used this consultative meeting to inform OCD about the content of the draft Negotiation position and the final, revised version of the Action plan for Chapter 24.

  The Public Policy Research Centre participated in these consultations, and Svetlana Djurdjević-Lukić called for the inclusion of representatives of civil society in the preparation of the next Strategy against the Proliferation of Small Weapons and related National action plan.